A volunteer group formed in 2004 and working with Nottingham City Council to improve and protect the woods


Aerial view of Colwick Woods

BUS– Colwick Woods is located 2.5 km east of Nottingham City Centre). The woods stand on the northern slopes of the Trent Floodplain, adjacent to the Bakersfield area of Nottingham. NCT bus No. 43 (Red line) is the most convenient public transport to the woods. 

The terminus for the No. 43 bus is on King Street, Nottingham. The No. 43 bus will stop on Greenwood Road, close to Harrogate Road for the central area.

The No. 44 (Red Line) bus from Nottingham will stop on Colwick Road near the railway crossing.

WALK– There are 6 main access points which are all Public Rights of Way: Greenwood Road on the north of the site offers 4 access points.

On the south of the site, Colwick Road to the west of Railway Crossing offers one access point. From Sneinton at the west of the site, access is from the top of Sneinton Boulevard adjacent to Nottingham Academy and the link path to Colwick Road.

CAR– Travel out of Nottingham City on Sneinton Road, onto Sneinton Dale, then turn right into Greenwood Road.

Continue along Greenwood Road for approximately 500 metre, and Colwick Woods is situated on the right.